as we go into this week, i want you to remember—as a business owner, you are standing in a place of authority. you decide what happens next in your business. you don’t have to wait for the circumstances or environment around you to change in order for you to start seeing change take place in your life and business.
every day, the posture you take and the choices you make will shape what unfolds next.
so, i challenge you:
choose to stand in a posture of faith
choose to keep imagining the best possible results
choose to be led by your dreams, not fear
choose to renew your mind daily—believing in yourself and that abundance is available to you
choose to keep giving your best
choose to let go of what is no longer working
choose to step outside of your comfort zone
choose to strategically evolve
choose to stay perseverant
choose to win
creating a successful business starts with your mindset and imagination—if you don’t believe in yourself and cannot imagine yourself succeeding and moving past the level or obstacles you are facing—it doesn’t matter how hard you work, you’ll always be stuck, always feeling like you’re trudging through mud.
as you put in the daily work to build your business, also spend time strengthening your mind and fueling your faith and imagination so that the work you do each day can be accelerated by your mindset and faith.
"Lindsey is the artist behind the website and all the design work for my brand. but, more importantly, she was the voice that jumped on a phone call with me and said 'you're the magic, linds. it's you.' and that call changed it all."